#!/usr/bin/env python """udxexp - Udanax Green Export This scripts has two modes of operation, the first is: % udxexp -f CONTENT_LIST [-l LINK_SCRIPT] Export all documents to the filenames listed in CONTENT_LIST. The number of lines in CONTENT_LIST must match the number of document nodes. And the second one being: % udxexp [-c CONTENT_OUTPUT] [-l LINK_SCRIPT] DOCIDs... Export all given document IDs to stdout or the file given with -c. Use the first to back up all data in an enfilade. The second is 'useful' (YMMV) to debug some stuff or to to back up individual nodes. Details ------- For the first mode, each line from the file provided with '-f' is interpreted as a filename while the line-number is taken to correspond to the Enfilade document id. Content is exported from this document id back to the file whenever there has are differences between contents. If so, contents are written to the filename suffixed by a version number. The second mode simply exports all contents of the given document ids to a single stream: stdout or the filename provided with '-c'. Both modes will export all links from these documents and write these as a FeBe script to stdout or the filename provided by '-l'. Output of the first mode can be used to recreate the enfilade, possibly after some manual editing. Names of new versions of files are printed to sys.stderr and need to be resolved by hand before importing again. (be careful because of the links!) Notes/issues ------------ - Commit to be editing the files through the front-end or be prepared to discard the links for that document node (or edit them by hand). - The Pyxi front-end doesn't handle multibyte character encodings so just stick with US-ASCII for now. - Transclusion is lost, shared spans are simply redundantly written to the different files. Todo ---- - Versions of documents are completely ignored for now. - A better export format that can handle transclusion would be nice but seems difficult to map to files. """ import os import sys sys.path.append('../pyxi/') from pyxi import x88, udxutil from udxutil import ENTIRE_DOC, mutter def newfileversion(fn): revision = 1 new_fn = fn + '.' + `revision` while os.path.exists(new_fn): revision += 1 new_fn = fn + '.' + `revision` return new_fn def doc_exists(xs, addr): try: xs.open_document(addr, x88.READ_ONLY, x88.CONFLICT_FAIL) except: return False xs.close_document(addr) return True def export_content(xs, fn, addr, overwrite=False): xs.open_document(addr, x88.READ_ONLY, x88.CONFLICT_FAIL) # export entire text space specset = x88.SpecSet(x88.VSpec(addr, [ENTIRE_DOC])) shared = xs.find_documents(specset) if len(shared)>1: mutter(0, "merged transclusion in", fn) mutter(1, "\t%s spans, %s\n\t" % (len(shared), map(str, shared))) data = "".join(xs.retrieve_contents(specset)) if open(fn).read() != data: if overwrite: mutter(0, "overwriting", fn) fh = open(fn, 'w+') fh.truncate() fh.write("".join(data)) fh.close() else: fn_new = newfileversion(fn) mutter(0, "writing", addr, "to", fn_new) fh_new = open(fn_new, 'w') fh_new.write("".join(data)) fh_new.close() else: mutter(1, "no changes to file", fn) xs.close_document(addr) def export_links(xs, xc_out, addr): assert isinstance(addr, x88.Address) xs.open_document(addr, x88.READ_ONLY, x88.CONFLICT_FAIL) links= [] # Get all end sets in given document textspec = x88.SpecSet(x88.VSpec(addr, [ENTIRE_DOC])) srcspecs, trgtspecs, tpspecs = xs.retrieve_endsets(textspec) if srcspecs: links += xs.find_links(srcspecs) if trgtspecs: links += xs.find_links(x88.NOSPECS, trgtspecs) if tpspecs: links += xs.find_links(x88.NOSPECS, x88.NOSPECS, tpspecs) # Filter out duplicate link addresses filtered = [] for laddr in links: if not laddr in filtered: try: # try to localize, raises error if link is in another doc local = addr.localize(laddr) filtered.append(laddr) except Exception, e: mutter(3, e) else: mutter(2, 'ignoring duplicate link', laddr) links = filtered if not links: return # Start link-script output: open doc for writing xc_out.write(35) xc_out.write(addr) xc_out.write(2) xc_out.write(1) xc_out.stream.write('\n') for laddr in links: srcspecs = xs.follow_link(laddr, x88.LINK_SOURCE) trgtspecs = xs.follow_link(laddr, x88.LINK_TARGET) tpspecs = xs.follow_link(laddr, x88.LINK_TYPE) mutter(2, addr, srcspecs, trgtspecs, tpspecs) # Link-script: write links x88.Number_write(27, xc_out.stream) for a in (addr, srcspecs, trgtspecs, tpspecs): xc_out.write(a) xc_out.stream.write('\n') # Link-script: close doc xc_out.write(36) xc_out.write(addr) xc_out.stream.write('\n') return def main(argv): # parse argv import getopt opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "vd:b:l:f:", ["overwrite"]) backend = '../pyxi/be/backend' content_list = '' file_list = [] doc_list = None links_outf = None content_outf = None overwrite = False for o in opts: if '-b' in o: backend = o[1] elif '-c' in o: content_outf = open(o[1], 'w') # write content to single file elif '-d' in o: udxutil.chatty = int(o[1]) elif '-v' in o: udxutil.chatty += 1 elif '-f' in o: content_dir = os.path.dirname(o[1]) file_list = open(o[1]).readlines() # write contents to all these files links_outf = open(os.path.join(content_dir, 'init-links.febe'), 'w') elif '-l' in o: links_outf = open(o[1], 'w') # write link FeBe script to file elif '--overwrite' in o: overwrite = True if not hasattr(content_outf, 'write'): content_outf = sys.stdout else: content_outf.truncate() if not hasattr(links_outf, 'write'): links_outf = sys.stdout else: links_outf.truncate() # option sanity... if args: assert not file_list doc_list = args # backend location sanity... assert os.path.exists(backend) be_dir = os.path.dirname(backend) be = os.path.basename(backend) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(be_dir, 'enf.enf')) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(be_dir) # get x88 session if udxutil.chatty>3: ps = x88.DebugWrapper(x88.PipeStream(be), sys.stderr) xc = x88.DebugWrapper(x88.XuConn(ps), sys.stderr) xs = x88.DebugWrapper(x88.XuSession(xc), sys.stderr) else: xs = x88.pipeconnect(be) # get x88 connection for links output xc_out = x88.XuConn(links_outf) # Start links FeBe script xc_out.stream.write('\n') for m in ('P0',), ('34', ''):#, ('35', '', '2', '2'): for c in m: xc_out.stream.write(c+'~') xc_out.stream.write('\n') # export links and contents if doc_list: for addr in doc_list: docid = x88.Address(addr) export_links(xs, xc_out, docid) export_content(xs, content_outf, docid) elif file_list: os.chdir(cwd) os.chdir(content_dir) doc = 0 for fn in file_list: fn = fn.strip() # same as line number from file list doc += 1 docid = x88.Address("" % doc) if not doc_exists(xs, docid): break export_links(xs, xc_out, docid) export_content(xs, fn, docid, overwrite) os.chdir(cwd) os.chdir(be_dir) # finish links script xc_out.write(16) xc_out.stream.write('\n') xs.quit() os.chdir(cwd) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))