NAME conti - Chip's oozing continent pretty-picture program

SYNOPSIS conti [ itcnt [ dispcnt [ seed ]]]

DESCRIPTION Conti is an oozing continent pretty-picture program for the Ann Arbor Terminals "Ambassador" (60 line display)

"itcnt" is an iteration count. It tells how many passes of the algorithm to perform between displays (default 1).

"dispcnt" is a display count. It tells how many times to display a screenful of stuff (default 1).

"seed" is a random number seed (default is taken from the low bits of the current time).

This program generates pretty oozing continental patterns according to the following algorithm: starting with a screenful of random black and white blocks, pick coordinates at random and span them outward in a Von Neuman window (up, down, left and right but not diagonally). Repeat many times.

FILES It really wants to send its output to a terminal and not to a file.

BUGS It doesn't know when it has reached a stable state.